
Archive for the ‘humanity’ Category

Today was just like any other Sundays “late to bed and late to wake up makes a Sunday worth living”.  While skimming through the newspapers an article about an acid attack victim caught my attention. Just like most of us do I paused for a moment and then continued my reading. But the image lingered on my mind throughout the day. The eyes were saying something to me. Did it complain or were there any tears in it? By evening I was quite busy into my technical research but then again the image resurfaced. It created enough ripples in my mind. I googled and the images I found shocked even my soul. I was shocked, such a heinous crime by a human being on another?

BANGLADESH. Dhaka. June 2005.Nobisa Begam. 15 Years old. Photographed three days after acid was thrown in her face for refusing a marriage proposal..(Courtesy bop.nppa.org)

BANGLADESH. Dhaka. June 2005.Nobisa Begam. 15 Years old. Photographed three days after acid was thrown in her face for refusing a marriage proposal..(Courtesy bop.nppa.org)

What should I call these acts of violence? The perpetrators of this violence are they human or devil himself in human form? It is one of the most violent crimes against women. It is not only an act against her dignity, self respect, independence but also against the fundamental principle of humanity on which our civilized society is standing. It is a trauma that these hapless victims have to undergo everyday of their life. Everyday when they look into mirror (those who are still lucky to have their eyes after the attack many were not so luck) the pain they have undergone, the humiliation they have suffered re-surfaces.

Most of the attacks are by husbands or the people known to the victims with a major share from the so called “lovers”. I couldn’t understand how could people throw acid when a woman refuses their proposal? They say they loved and how could someone hurt some body so much? This is not committed in a fit of passion. A lot of planning is required for it. Guys if this has crossed your mind then remember it’s not worth. Love is not about taking by violence it is sacrifice of what you have. Love demands patience and sacrifice and not violence. If you have truly loved someone you will happily give your life for a single smile of your loved ones. Yow will never think about harming in any way. So if you have thought in any other fashion then you can be sure that you never loved. Even the most pure and polite approach might lead to failure but then it shouldn’t drive yourself to this crime against humanity. Pause and look around and see how many smiles, how many hopes you will kill with your action. You may be provoked to your limits but remember life has a lot of things to offer.

Angura. 30 years old, lies with her son and mother on the floor of her ward in the hospital run by the Acid Survivors Foundation in Dhaka. Her husband and another man threw acid on her and then burnt her eyes with a blowtorch after she refused her husband permission to take another woman into their home.(Courtesy bop.nppa.org)

Angura. 30 years old, lies with her son and mother on the floor of her ward in the hospital run by the Acid Survivors Foundation in Dhaka. Her husband and another man threw acid on her and then burnt her eyes with a blowtorch after she refused her husband permission to take another woman into their home.(Courtesy bop.nppa.org)

In some places it is used as a too, to suppress women, to curtail their independence. There were reports of acid attacks on girl student inAfghanistan by the Taliban and its allies. They were against the women education and hence these attacks. Elsewhere in places like Kashmiracids were thrown on women who refused to wear the burkha. There were attacks on women by the jealous employer.  In some part of theIndia acid attack was used to strengthen the evil clutches of casteism.

Such news is always sensational which our media are ever ready to feed on. But after this sensation do we ever think how these people go about their life. The may get big promises of compensation and sympathy but are they fulfilled? Even if sufficient compensation is given how can we compensate the pain, the agony, the shame, the humiliation they have undergone?

How can we prevent this? We cannot stop the supply of acids. This is freely available in markets which even a child can buy for a paltry amount. The need of hour is a quality education with proper emphasize on humanity and its values. Those who commit such heinous crime should get the maximum punishment possible under law. If it was in my power I would have given a death punishment, after treatment in the same fashion an eye for an eye. I would have stoned them to death. I know I may look like a barbaric in my verdict but these crimes are worse form of barbarism.



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Many criticized the makers of Slumdog millionaire. They complained that India was projected in a bad taste. Poverty was shown but not the prosperity.

Recently there was a case before the Supreme Court of India. In an astounding position before the SC, it has held that one has to earn only Rs 455 a month in urban areas and Rs 328 in rural areas to escape the poor tag. “At present, on 1999-2000 prices, the poverty line at all India level is Rs 327.56 and Rs 454.11 for rural and urban people per capita per month respectively,” said the health and family welfare ministry in a recent affidavit.

In the government’s scheme, the poverty line drawn on the basis of monthly income varies widely from state to state. To classify as poor in the four metros — Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata and Chennai — the person’s monthly income has to be less than Rs 506, Rs 540, Rs 410 and 475, respectively. Which means, if your daily earnings cross Rs 17 in Delhi, Rs 18 in Mumbai, Rs 14 in Kolkatta and Rs 16 in Chennai, you are among those fortunate not to be counted by the government as poor!!!!!!!! Despite using these ridiculously low monthly incomes to classify a person as poor, the government has identified a huge chunk — over 260 Million — as poor because they do not even earn these paltry sums. Now imagine this number.

As someone said we love Oscars not Slums. These figures were an eye opener for me. Certainly India is not shining for all those. We make a lot of noise when sensex drops by few points but nobody cries for the millions dying every day because they cant afford to buy food every day, because they cant buy medicines, because we don’t care for them.

I want the Indian Government to help these downtrodden rather than spending billions on war machines and all those glossy Advertisements to make India shining for elite few. These unfortunate people are also human beings. Help them. They also have right to live a dignified life.

(Trivia: Orissa and Bihar account for more than one-fifth of the total poor in India. As per affidavit, Jammu and Kashmir is least afflicted by poverty.)

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Rape of Goa

Goa Education Minister Babush Monserratte’s son Rohit, who allegedly raped a German minor girl, was granted bail on Monday. The mother of the minor had withdrawn the charges against him.

This was the headline in almost all the news channels today. What a shame. The state with such rich culture and tolerance had become the breeding ground of pedophiles and rapists. The state was portrayed as the tourist destination of India, with it cosmopolitan culture soon we had foreign tourist swarming in large numbers. With more publicity came the bad apples, a nexus of drugs, prostitution & sex, the trilogy of destruction, the evils playground.

Dil chahta hai showed Goa in a different light where friends could hang out, part hard & spend some good time together. But now if I say to my family that I am going to Goa they will think twice. The place has earned the reputation of evil. Who is to blame – the administration, locales everybody.  Tourists come to India to see the things which they don’t get in their motherland. Creating another Paris or Bali won’t add anything. They should be treated to the rich culture of the land and not something which they can any where else.

Now going back to the main story. Once gain the money & power wins & truth is defeated. It’s not shocking that the mother had withdrawn her complaint. The agony after the rape which she and her daughter might have undergone would be much worse and brutal than the actual incident itself, The constant media attention, the threat of the powerful politician trying to save his son ( I shouldn’t give my verdict before court but…) would have created a miserable life for her.
Mr. Minister you said you are confident of the Law, where is the law when the victim is treated like a culprit with all the psychological tools employed to destruct her self belief.

It said that “ athiti devo bhava” that is guest are God they should be treated like God. Look round us; are we treating our guests like God or some criminals?
I pray for the well being of the German tourist and many such innocent sisters who were destroyed by these two legged animals. Let’s support them by all the means we can. Surely the democracy is more powerful than the money or politics. Let us show them our power of unity.

The mantra –  protest, protest  & protest.

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Well this was a news item which i could stop my self from posting … no comments required. Its a real horror

Issue not debated in Senate in deference to “tribal traditions”

Five women from Umrani tribe in Balochistan were shot at and later buried alive

Though incident took place on July 14, case registered only on Monday

ISLAMABAD: Following a national outcry, the government scrambled on Monday to arrest four people suspected of involvement in burying five women alive in Balochistan and exhumed two bodies for investigations.

The Senate, Parliament’s Upper House, thoroughly embarrassed by two of its veteran members, who last week put up a staunch defence of the “honour killings” as a “tribal tradition,” also sought to make amends.

The House had a lengthy discussion on the issue and passed a resolution condemning the burial, demanding that those who behind the crime should be tried and punished.

The five women belonged to the Umrani tribe. Among them, three were teenagers who wanted to marry men of their choice. The two other women were the mother of one girl and an aunt, who supported the decision of the girls.

According to a report by the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC), the women were abducted by a group of men belonging to the Umrani tribe and taken to a remote spot in Jaferabad in eastern Balochistan.

There, the men first sprayed bullets at the teenagers, and while they were still breathing, are reported to have pushed their bodies into a ditch and started throwing mud and stones at them. When the two older women protested, they were pushed into the ditch too and buried with the others.

Though the incident happened on July 14, a case was registered only on Monday morning. The AHRC and newspaper reports alleged the police did not take note of the killings because the brother of a provincial Minister, a member of the ruling Pakistan People’s Party (PPP), was involved.

  1. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/five-women-beaten-and-buried-alive-in-pakistan-honour-killing-915714.html
  2. http://www.hindu.com/2008/09/02/stories/2008090260641400.htm
  3. http://infidelsarecool.com/2008/09/01/pakistan-honor-killing-3-teenagers-buried-alive-for-attempting-to-choose-their-own-husbands/

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Today is the 138th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi and International Day of Non-Violence.

Is it just Another holiday for us? We celebrate this day by wishing our friends,sending sms’s and forget the rest (Even i got some). We think that we have paid our respect to our father of nation. Is this a festival to be celebrated like this.

Albert Einstein once said “Generations to come will scarce believe that such a one as this walked the earth in flesh and blood”. Its almost true today !!! This is becoming true not only for about Bapuji but for his teachings also. He life was based on truth and non-violence. He advocated Vegetarianism, Brahmacharya and simplicity.

Gandhiji had a golden mantra to solve problems. He asked his followers to hear other peoples problems with patience. By the time the problem was described most of them were solved.

For many of us these are some wild and strange philosophies meant only for politicians and for others who don’t have any work. ” We are serious , we don’t have time for such madness” is what we say when we hear these. But this madness defeated the most powerful empire and got us freedom.

Swami Vivekananda believed in Narayana Seva. The service of God, Narayana, through the service of man, Nara. This, he said, involves ‘seeing God and serving him in all human beings, the living and moving temples of God.’ Swamiji asked ‘Where shall we go to seek for God? Are not all the poor, the miserable, the weak, gods? Why not worship them first?’ Gandhiji translated this beautiful thought into what he called Daridra Narayana Seva. The service of the poorest of the poor.

We all have a good life. What are we giving back to our society, our country for which millions have sacrificed all they had? Absolutely nothing. We are busy in our own world. Its the time we did something. Lets remove the fear of failure from our minds. Lets follow the path shown by Gandhiji. Quoting from RDB “What is it about these boys that makes them have no fear? I think sometimes a person can be pushed so far that they reach a point beyond fear; a place where you find a strange peace, where you free yourself to do the right thing; because sometimes, that’s the hardest thing to do. “

Gandhiji removed this fear from his mind and so was the case with many others. Lets defeat this fear and move forward.

His teachings are still relevant. Gandhiji life is his message. Lets save this message in our life and follow it.

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